Profile PictureBerlin Krebs

Yoga Philosophy Deep Dive: The Yamas

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The Yamas and Niyamas are like the guidelines of yogi conduct. There are 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas.

The Yamas ask us to regulate certain actions or impulses in order to be good to others and to the environment.

The Niyamas teach us to cultivate particular qualities to be good to ourselves.

This is part one of a two-part series! Each 90 min class will shine a light on one of these 5 philosophical tenets, or Yamas, and invite you deeper into your practice with a dharma talk, group discussion & reflection, asana practice & meditation that will embody and explore the theme of the moment.

Feb. 4th: Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thoughts, word, and action)

Feb. 11th: Satya (being true to oneself and honest in thoughts, word, and action)

Feb. 18th:  Asteya (non-stealing, including time, objects, and words)

Feb. 25th:  Bramacharya (conservation of one’s energy)

March 3rd:  Aparigraha (non-grasping or holding on, including material goods, food, others’ time and emotions)

This class is for anyone who wants to go deep & infuse their yoga practice and their life with meaning, re-calibrate towards goodness & integrity, move their body, connect with like-minded yogis, or who is looking for something to do on a cold winter day!

If you would like to come to just one class, please email me. The cost for an a-la-carte session is $18/class.

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yoga and meditation practice, dharma talk/philosophy lecture, community discussion & reflection

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Yoga Philosophy Deep Dive: The Yamas

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